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Showing posts from 2012

The Doctor Who Remix: I Remix, Therefore I Am - Part 2

Cyvergence has done several remixes the past few years. This series of back stories is about revisiting the thoughts and process that went on behind the scenes. Today I will focus on the unofficial I Am The Doctor remix. Why Doctor Who? I like Doctor Who. In fact, I love it to bits. Why? Because fezzes are cool, and so are bow ties. Fezzes are cool indeed. Truth be told, I found Season 1 of the 2005 "reboot" rather cheesy. The soundtrack was cheesy, set designs were cheesy, and let's not mention Rose's mom. Then along came the David Tennant era. I was hooked as I laughed and condensed a silent tear here and there. Matt Smith's quirky, yet dangerous style grew on me after a period of doubt. And yes, Amy Pond is a cute companion. The Start of a New Remix How did the remix start? One dark stormy night as the stars slept with their eyes wide open, a purple Dalek descended from the heavens with a plunger looking for...

Ghost In The Static: I Remix, Therefore I Am - Part One

Cyvergence has done several remixes the past few years, some of them very popular and some not. This, and upcoming posts, is really about looking back at what I've done with these tracks, and why it turned out the way it did. Today I will focus on the Ghost In The Static remixes. Why Ghost In The Static? The G.I.T.S. band members. First off, I hardly knew this band before I started exploring remixes. One day, on the omnipotent soundcloud, another great band called Cease2Xist , uploaded an interesting remix. I listened to the track several times and thought to myself, while drooling into a paper cup: "Hmmm, who are these Ghost In The Static guys?" What drew my attention, was the intriguing industrial/electro/metal blend with an interesting vocalist. The sound wasn't as polished and molded then as it is now, however I noticed the potential (more on this later). I pointed my browser to the band's soundcloud page, sent them a private message,...