Cyvergence has done several remixes the past few years. This series of back stories is about revisiting the thoughts and process that went on behind the scenes. Today I will focus on the unofficial I Am The Doctor remix. Why Doctor Who? I like Doctor Who. In fact, I love it to bits. Why? Because fezzes are cool, and so are bow ties. Fezzes are cool indeed. Truth be told, I found Season 1 of the 2005 "reboot" rather cheesy. The soundtrack was cheesy, set designs were cheesy, and let's not mention Rose's mom. Then along came the David Tennant era. I was hooked as I laughed and condensed a silent tear here and there. Matt Smith's quirky, yet dangerous style grew on me after a period of doubt. And yes, Amy Pond is a cute companion. The Start of a New Remix How did the remix start? One dark stormy night as the stars slept with their eyes wide open, a purple Dalek descended from the heavens with a plunger looking for...
EBM - Industrial - DJ - Remixing